The Anakazi Center is excited to announce our next phase of inspiring entrepreneurs around the world. We are looking for female entrepreneurs who are ready to evolve out of the pandemic, re-strategize, and bounce forward. We are offering a five-week virtual Anakazi Evolve Entrepreneurship bootcamp with a carefully designed blend of lessons, group work, and action learning. To qualify, participants must meet the following:

* Must have an existing business.

* Must have a business profile, i.e. online website, or social media page.

* Must submit a mission statement.

* Must submit a paragraph on why you should be accepted into the entrepreneurship bootcamp.

Selected participants will have an opportunity to work in groups with like-minded entrepreneurs. Each business group will develop a business plan and have 3 weeks to present their business pitch for a chance to win a prize. The winners will be announced on Pitch Day, November 7, 2020.

Key topic areas include

  • Introduction to the mindset and entrepreneurship
  • Wheel of Life
  • Your Value, Passion & Purpose
  • Three Personalities
  • Seven Dynamics
  • Market, industry, and competitive assessment
  • Idea shaping and product definition
  • Defining your value proposition
  • Business model development
  • Build your brand
  • The importance of capital efficiency
  • Harnessing resources through financing
  • What banks and Investors look for in businesses they finance.
  • How to give an effective pitch
  • How to avoid common mistakes in pitching
  • Networking

On November 7, participants will present rocket pitches on their business opportunities for a chance to win prizes. Mentors and peers evaluate and critique the pitches and provide advice as to where risk lies and what are the barriers to success.

Past Events:

Anakazi Center facilitates the economic and social empowerment of women by developing global business development support networks, increasing knowledge of global issues, advocating for human rights, and supporting the equal participation of women and men in addressing development issues.

Covid-19 has changed us all.  We all have questions, concerns, fears and so much more.  Anakazi Arise Conference 2020 is here to assist in answering some of those questions.  Whether it’s a job loss, abuse, loneliness, mental health, financial instability or closure of a business, we have speakers and resources from around the globe to help answer some of our questions and provide comfort and hope.

Together, we can rise above the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Anakazi Business Network Workshop in Zambia

Official Anakazi launch in Los Angeles, California